Online Museum of Old Family Photographs        
      >at the table              
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Frankfurt (BRD)
found by: Živko Grgurinović
family: unknown
opened: 4892
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Sr. Kamenica (SiCG)
found by: Ikadika
family: unknown
opened: 4334
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Hague (NL)
found by: Evert Sevenhuijsen
family: Hoogewooning
opened: 4407
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Antwerpen (BE)
found by: Jan Dirkx
family: Dirkx
opened: 4154
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Rotterdam (NL)
found by: Arend Smilde
family: unknown
opened: 4238
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Ploče (CRO)
found by: Živko Grgurinović
family: Šunjić, Grgurinović
opened: 5220
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Bočke (SiCG)
found by: Ikadika
family: unknown
opened: 4434
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Bosanska krupa (BiH)
found by: skarabej
family: unknown
opened: 4920
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Mainz (BRD)
found by: Živko Grgurinović
family: unknown
opened: 6039
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Liepaja (LV)
found by: Roberts
family: Lavini
opened: 5044
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