Online Museum of Old Family Photographs        
      >at the table              
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Ridderkerk (NL)
found by: Arend Smilde
family: Smilde
opened: 5432
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Groningen (NL)
found by: Arend Smilde
family: Reinders
opened: 4889
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Sombor (SiCG)
found by: Arben Čuvardić
family: unknown
opened: 5093
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Karlovac (CRO)
found by: Zvonimir Žabčić
family: vuković
opened: 5446
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Rotterdam (NL)
found by: Arend Smilde
family: Duifhuizen
opened: 4732
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Zagreb (CRO)
found by: Helena Predojević
family: Predojević
opened: 4793
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Aalborg (DK)
found by: Fredesorensen
family: Fredesorensen
opened: 4672
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Jefferson (US)
found by: Kariann
family: unknown
opened: 4748
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Varaždin (CRO)
found by: Dubravko Šincek
family: unknown
opened: 4982
Skarabej - at the table
found in: Aalborg (DK)
found by: Fredesorensen
family: Fredesorensen
opened: 4973
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